“障碍” 格力·艾米的关键词之二

障 碍







This is about the influence of barrier to people’s visual perception in the site.There are all kinds of barriers in the site, those can be caught by our intuition called dominant cover while those influence us through subconscious called recessive cover.

The difference between the dominant and recessive would somehow subtly change people’s behavior and visual perception in a site/space. The dominant cover would consume the information so the visitors would start guess or imagine when they cannot get the complete information, which would breach the normality of the object being watched.

The recessive cover would influence people’s visual perception though people cannot recognize it directly. It is somehow like look an object through the convex. The information is transformed to the visitors but it is twisted. Which leads to different kinds of understanding to the same object.

The dominant and recessive barrier is not invariable. It would alter with the change of people’s psychology and the change of the space.

3 Responses

  1. 能不能再解释一下

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