推荐新书《Web Design Before & After Makeovers》

  近来工作一直非常的忙,回家中还不停的点击。终于,发现这本书还是不错的,本书把WEB的制作工程系统的描述了一遍,包括如何把table转向DIV啊,如何创建翻转图像啊,如何管理网站信息,如何操作盒模型啊。这本书没有过多的讲解高深的问题,用一个个实例来操作,系统的把WEB design变成一种轻松的事情,有懂一点点英文,又想快速学习网站制作的朋友们可以参考一下此书。

  Web Design Before & After Makeovers


  内容不多说了,请看简介。Book Description

  Through stunning four-color images that demonstrate how nondescript “before” situations gradually become astonishing “after” results, this book offers readers simple steps to achieve unique outcomes

  Readers learn how to incorporate the latest Web-building techniques on their sites, redesign a site for optimum usability, limit user bandwidth needs, keep user experience consistent with CSS, and manage content

  The medley of makeovers includes: full-site makeovers (user speed, color themes, improved accessibility), page makeovers (page sizing, working with tables), text makeovers (font selection, graphic alternatives), image makeovers (incorporating text with images, file sizing), navigation makeovers (improving navigation bars, menu additions), content makeovers (better Web writing, enhancing the home page message), and an extreme makeover (combining several smaller makeovers into a major site overhaul)


  改天办张信用卡,一直想买一些书。比如:《CSS Mastery》,我很不喜欢盗版书,但没法子,只能对着显示器看,如果有谁在Amazon购书的经历,请告诉我是怎么样的,运费如何。在此谢谢了。

  更新一下,发现这本书也不错Mobile Interaction Design,国外的体验都研究到了手机的应用上,我们还停在Web上。

1 Response

  1. 一直想在Amazon购书啊,但怕自己在那么多书面前经不起诱惑

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