先介绍一下 Apple 硬件产品线命名,从观察来,似乎有一些规律可循,特别是近二十年,我按时代分一下,但这种分类不一定就对。留意哈,这个不一定对。
第一个时代(1976年-1985年),公司成立前几年,以“数字”或“代码”命名时代。比如“Apple I”、“Apple II”、“Apple III”这种命名方式;像代号的有“Apple Lisa”和“Apple Macintosh”。
第二个时代(1985年-1997年),这个阶段乔帮主不在苹果公司,这一阶段,并没有太明显的命名规则。比如“MessagePad(Apple Newton)”、“Power Mac 系列”、“Macintosh Classic”等等。
第四个时代(2007年-至今)“Apple+”命名时代。比如 Apple TV、Apple Watch、Apple Pay、Apple Pencil。
苹果的命名,从“数字代号”的命名到以“i”为中心的命名,再到“Apple”的命名方式,多少会让人感觉到苹果的新产品线在聚焦到 Apple 本身这个品牌上。
也有人说,使用 “Apple+” 的命名方式,不会产生专利问题。但不管苹果如何命名,无非是便于用户传播,深化品牌。
那到底、为什么一根可以在屏幕上写写画画的“Apple Pencil”不叫“ Apple Pen”呢?
其实这根“笔”,在汉语中一直被国人叫“手写笔”,有一些叫“压感笔”、还有“电容笔”。后来大牌的国际厂商进入中国市场,一些英文命名就带了过来,比如 Wacom Bamboo Stylus、Microsoft Surface Pen、Paper 53 Pencil 等等。使用英文“笔”的叫法,主流的也大约就这三个了:
- “Stylus”这个词的意思是提示笔、特别是可以在电脑屏幕上书写画画的“触笔”。
- “Pen”这个词,大家都知道,就是“笔”的统称,也特指那种可以灌墨水的钢笔。
- “Pencil”这个词,名词的意思就是“铅笔”。动词还有用铅笔写(或画、作记号)的意思。
如果你来做一根手写笔,Stylus 这个词应该不会选,至少它不太通俗,也不利于传播。那只有 Pen 和 Pencil 了。Pen和 Pencil 在字面的意思上也最好理解,一个是笔,多指钢笔,一个是铅笔。
好了回来回来,从这个角度上思考,Apple Pencil 为什么叫“Pencil”,下图可以直观的看出来,因为它“长”得“像”一支铅笔,而不是一支钢笔。如下图:


其实不是,几年前苹果刚要发布 Apple Pencil 的时候,Jonathan Ive 对媒体解释过他的想法:https://www.digitaltrends.com/mobile/jony-ive-apple-pencil-discussion/
“What we found is that there’s clearly a group of people that would value an instrument that would enable then to paint or draw in ways that you just can’t with your finger,” Ive said in the interview. “And I suspect that this isn’t a small group of people. I don’t think it’s confined to those of us who went to art school.”
The Apple Pencil has multiple pressure sensors that allow users to draw any kind of line. It’s also paired with two tilt sensors to detect the angle at which the user is drawing the line. The utensil’s low latency is another highlight Ive mentions in the interview. But Ive said the Pencil is not supposed to replace the finger.
“I think there’s a potential to confuse the role of the Pencil with the role of your finger in iOS, and I actually think it’s very clear the Pencil is for making marks, and the finger is a fundamental point of interface for everything within the operating system. And those are two very different activities with two very different goals,” he said.
Along that line of reasoning, the name Pencil was specifically chosen over stylus, so as to avoid the idea of the utensil as another tech gadget, and more to evoke an abstract idea to match the possibilities of the Pencil.
“Pencil, to me, seems very analogue in its association,” Ive said. “But what is challenging is that it will become many things. There’s an incredible painting app and very powerful drawing apps. For some people it will be a graphic instrument and to others it will be a fountain pen.”
这几段话 Ive 说了两个关键点。
第二、基于“笔”和“手指”在屏幕上的作用或目标,Pencil 这个词更能唤醒人的创作起点。有很多珍惜工具的人,一些人可以用它来画画,一些人可以用它当钢笔,都可以。
现在应该清晰了,Apple Pencil 的设计初心,是给一群喜欢工具、喜欢创作、喜欢书写的人提供的一种工具,从这个“Pencil”工具开始,唤醒创作的欲望。
这,也许就是 Apple Pencil 不叫 Pen 的原因吧!