[新书]Designing for Interaction: Creating Smart Applications and Clever Devices

[img=156,201,left,10]http://www.odannyboy.com/images/d4i_cover.jpg”>  先说一个错别字,亚马逊上的。如“ and innovative Web sites like Flicer. ”,这个词应该是“Flickr”,本书作者是Dan Saffer ,目前在做高级交互设计师,这个是他的个人网站:[url]http://www.odannyboy.com[/url]。Dan Saffer有很多头衔,还发现他是个老师。


  下面是书的简单介绍:Book Description,你可以点击[url=http://www.amazon.com/Designing-Interaction-Creating-Applications-Devices/dp/0321432061/ref=pd_sxp_f_pt/002-1118571-4086468?ie=UTF8]进入Amazon购买网站地址 >>[/url]  

Explore the new design discipline that is behind such products as the iPod and innovative Web sites like Flicer. While other books on this subject are either aimed at more seasoned practitioners or else are too focused on a particular medium like software, this guide will take a more holistic approach to the discipline, looking at interaction design for the Web, software, and devices. It is the only interaction design book that is coming from a designers point of view rather than that of an engineer.

This much-needed guide is more than just a how-to manual. It covers interaction design fundamentals, approaches to designing, design research, and more, and spans all mediums—Internet, software, and devices. Even robots! Filled with tips, real-world projects, and interviews, you’ll get a solid grounding in everything you need to successfully tackle interaction design.

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