


@media 2005: Web Standards & Accessibility. London, 9th - 10th June.


“Web standards” are taking the world by storm. It’s all about following best technical practices to achieve massive practical benefits – web pages that are lighter, faster, easier to manage, cheaper to build and maintain, and accessible to all.

The presentations will cover a wealth of information related to the area of web standards and accessibility, from introductions to the topic areas through to the advanced tips and tricks used by the experts.


Authors, pioneers, visionaries and downright mighty web designers and accessibility experts from the UK and abroad will be coming to the conference. Speakers from overseas include Jeffrey Zeldman, accessibility guru Joe Clark and designer extraordinaire Douglas Bowman, who will be joining the cream of the UK crop.


The impressive, modern venue is situated in the heart of London with fantastic transport links with the the UK, Europe and the rest of the world.

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