iOS guidline 对3D Touch 的11条重点要求

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iOS Guideline 对3D Touch 的要求的十一条中,有七条是“Avoid”、“Don’t”,各位设计师不只是注意了。

Use a peek to provide a live, content-rich preview of an item. It’s best when a peek gives users enough information about an item to augment their current task. For example, users can use peek to preview the webpage of a URL in a message before they decide to open the webpage in Safari or share the link with their friends. In a table view, peek shows users the detail view for a row item.

Provide a pop for every peek. Even though a peek should give users most of the information they need, you should always let users transition to the pop if they decide to switch away from their current task and focus on the item. The pop should be the same view that users get when they tap the item.

Don’t enable both peek and the Edit menu for the same item. It can be confusing when both features are enabled for one item. (To learn more about the Edit menu, see Edit Menu.)

Within a peek, avoid displaying elements that look like buttons. If users lift their finger to tap an element that looks like a button, the peek disappears.

Provide peek quick actions, if appropriate. Within a peek, users can swipe up to reveal actions that are related to the item. For example, peek quick actions in Mail include Reply All, Forward, and Move Message. Not every peek needs quick actions, but if you already provide custom touch-and-hold actions for an item, it’s good practice to provide the same actions within the peek that replaces touch and hold for that item. (Note that peek quick actions in a peek for a web view are supplied automatically.)

Don’t use peek as the only way to enable item-specific actions. Not every device supports peek and pop and some users may choose to turn off 3D Touch, so it’s essential to find other ways to make peek functionality available in your app. When your app runs on older devices, it can make sense to mirror a peek’s quick actions in a view that users get when they touch and hold an item.

下面这个部分是对 Home Screen 的。
Use a Home screen quick action to enable a compelling, high-value task. For example, Maps lets users search near their current location or get directions home without first opening the Maps app. Every app should enable at least one useful task in a Home screen quick action; you can provide a total of four quick actions.

Avoid using Home screen quick actions to ease navigation through your app. If it’s difficult or time-consuming for users to visit important areas in your app, first fix the navigation in your app so that all users benefit. Next, focus on providing Home screen quick actions that deep-link into your app and enable useful, creative tasks.

Avoid changing a Home screen quick action in ways that are difficult for users to predict. It’s best to update a quick action based on events or context changes that the user understands. For example, it makes sense to update an item based on the user’s current location or recent activities in your app, time of day, or changes in the user’s settings.

Don’t use a Home screen quick action as a way to notify users. iOS users expect to receive notifications from apps in other ways (to learn about these ways, see Notifications).

Provide a succinct title (and optional subtitle) and a template icon for each Home screen quick action. The title should instantly communicate the results of the action; for example, “Directions Home,” “Create New Contact,” and “New Message.” You can also provide an optional subtitle to give users more context. For example, Mail uses a subtitle to tell users if there are any unread messages in the VIP Home screen quick action. Don’t include your app name or any extraneous information in the title and subtitle, and be sure to take localization into account as you write the text.

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