“转换” 格力·艾米的关键词之三







 The exhibition site has its particular spirit. It is a magic space. When you walk through it. “different angles” often results in “division” or “restructuring ” of time or space, engendering a montage effect. It cuts and combines the phenomenon and scenes that continuously appear in the current time and space, which becomes a state of experiencing the exhibition site depending on different individuals; and different individuals will have “different angles” because of their different social experiences, knowledge structure, value orientation and state of mind. When you start communication with the exhibition items in the exhibition site, the transformation of time and space and jointing of actual and void spaces will happen without being noticed, and influenced by the information conveyed by the exhibition objects, you will fuse it with your own emotions and understanding. Situated in the exhibition site, different parts of space and time are no longer as important as in reality. The aura created by the exhibition site enables you to go through varied space and time, be it to display art, reflect history, concern humanities or rely on science and technology. All these factors are also the prerequisites to and basis of the happening of transformation. Handling of time and space and actual and void spaces with ease and diversity is the charm of exhibition site.

5 Responses

  1. 挖呜呜,给莪一个滔滔德名额嘛,

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