Google Reader今天正式关闭了。
一个用了7年的产品,就这样没了,失落怎么着都是有的。记住The People Behind Google Reader的人吧:
- Chris Wetherell (2005-2008): Software Engineer, now at Avocado.
- Jason Shellen (2005-2006): Product Manager, now at Boxer.
- Ben Darnell (2005-2009): Software Engineer, now at Viewfinder.
- Laurence Gonsalves (2005-2010): Software Engineer
- Steve Goldberg (2005-2011): Engineering Manager, still at Google
- Mihai Parparita (2005-2010): Software Engineer, now at Quip
- Kevin Fox (2005, 2006): User Experience Designer, now at Electric Imp.
- Misha Dynin (2006, 2009): Software Engineer, still at Google.
- Justin Haugh (2006-2008): Software Engineer, still at Google.
- Brad Hawkes (summer of 2006, 2007-2010): Software Engineer Intern, Software Engineer, still at Google.
- Nick Baum (2006-2007): Product Manager, now at StoryWorth.
- Dolapo Falola (20% in 2006, 2007-2009): Software Engineer, now eating yogurt and granola at Foursquare.
- Chrix Finne (2007-2008): Product Manager, now at Optimizely.
- Jenna Bilotta (2007-2010): User Experience Designer, now at Avocado.
- Shreyas Desai (2007-2008): Software Engineer in Test, now at Yahoo!.
- Susan Shepard (2007-2009): Software Engineer, still at Google.
- Gaurav Jain (2007-2009): Software Engineer, still at Google.
- Jason Hall (summer of 2007): Software Engineer Intern, still at Google.
- Nitin Shantharam (summer of 2007): Software Engineer Intern, now at Swapbox.
- Brian Shih (2008-2010): Product Manager, now at Pocket Gems.
- Mike Knapp (2008-2009): Software Engineer, now at Shoes of Prey
- Nick Santaniello (2008-2009): Product Support, now at Robysoft.
- Derek Snyder (2008-2009): Software Engineer, now at a as-of-yet-unnamed startup.
- Matt Steiner (2008-2009): Software Engineer, still at Google.
- Beverly Yang (2009-2010): Software Engineer, still at Google.
- Derek Mauro (2009-2010): Software Engineer, still at Google.
- Garrett Wu (2009-2010): Software Engineer, now at WibiData.
- Ye Zhou (2009-2010): Software Engineer, still at Google.
- Devin Kennedy (summer of 2009): Software Engineer Intern, still at Google.
- Arif Siddiquee (2009-2011): Software Engineer, still at Google.
- Alan Green (2011-2012): Software Engineer, still at Google.
- Mick Hollins (2011-2012): Software Engineer, still at Google.